Duo Laude:
Elizabeth MacIsaac, soprano, percussion
Pat Unruh, vielles, rebec, recorder
Elizabeth MacIsaac
Pat Unruh
Tickets: $25/$30, children 12 and younger free
Programme information
The medieval repertoire offered in this programme by Duo Laude includes works selected for their diversity and beauty, a mix of sacred and secular melodies including the soaring sequence O Viridissima Virga (O greenest branch) by the 12th. Century mystic Hildegard von Bingen, voluptuous dance songs by the French poet Guillaume de Machaut, hymns to the Virgin from the South of France and a 13th. Century motet in the voice of a young coquette who knows her lover is watching her.
The pilgrim songs from the Llibre Vermell reveal that, for simple folk, the spiritual and the profane joined together, this is how the faithful to Notre Dame de Montserrat sang their prayers in Catalan and in Latin to the sound of engaging melodies.
The programming also draws upon some of the more ancient medieval sources, from which the Cunctipotens Genitor is selected. It is based upon a Kyrie trope originating in Aquitania.